
Hi there!  (•◡•) /

Through some kind of ~magic~ you've managed to find my blog! And I bet you're just dying to know who is behind it right? Of course! So let's get on with the introductions...

My name is Beth, I'm 20 years old  and  currently halfway through studying languages, or more specifically French, Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Chester.

Apart from binge watching Netflix like everyone else (hmu with those series suggestions), I like writing, photography and obviously I loveee to travel!

I've wanted to start a blog for quite a while now but there was always one thing or another that put me off, whether it was looming deadlines or just a lack of confidence. But finally, here we are.

Now you might be wondering, "But Beth! Why now??"
Well, that's a great question and the simple answer is, at the minute, I'm preparing for my Year Abroad in September and thought why not go ahead and share my experiences of both my studies at home/abroad and just general travels!?

As clich茅 as it sounds, we really do only live once (Unless you're Paul Rudd who just doesn't seem to age?) and I don't want to look back and think "How silly was it not to do what interested you because of a few easily solvable problems?"

See the source image

So, make sure you're sitting comfortably while you follow me along on my journey, which given my life experience already, it won't be a straight forward one! 馃槂

饾挵饾搩饾搲饾捑饾搧 饾挬饾憭饾搷饾搲 饾挴饾捑饾搨饾憭 ,

B x


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